When a child or adolescent is experiencing behavioural, academic or emotional difficulties, they are referred to consult with an educational psychologist. The educational psychologist will investigate the child’s functioning by conducting a psycho-educational assessment. The assessment, or specifically the findings and recommendations following the results, aims to respond to the reason for the referral or answer the questions that have brought you to the assessment. A psycho-educational assessment will often involve measuring intellectual and cognitive functioning, academic levels, and emotional development. This information assists in knowing the child as best as we can, identify specific strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately understanding the child’s needs. This enables us to help the child in the best way possible, recommending appropriate support and intervention.

An educational psychologist works with parents, teachers and other therapists to optimize learning and development and enable the child to realize his/her unique potential. Research shows that the earlier and difficulties or delays are identified, the better. Early intervention enhances progress and ultimately reduces the effects of the difficulties in the future.

Psycho-educational assessments are not only used for identifying areas of need and making referrals to the appropriate supports, therapies and remedial interventions, they are also required when making application at some schools, and are necessary to determine what examination accommodations are required (like additional time for tests, or a spelling concession).

If you are wondering if your child needs to be assessed, or you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.